Get 85% Off With Our Deal Of The Day

You Know That Success On Social Media Is Important 

To Your Business And Personal Brand, But...

  • Do you feel that instead of the benefits, it causes you STRESS?

  • Too often you stare at a blank screen, OVERWHELMED what to post?

  • You are not getting more followers and SALES?

  • You wonder why some succeed so easily and others FAIL?

Don't Worry; It's Over Now. 

It's Time To...

  • Get ALL Of Your Instagram Posts Planned Out, Scheduled And Implemented For Next 12 Months(Whether You Were a Beginner With ZERO Followers Or Pro). 100% In a Weekend.

As An Influencers Or Entrepreneur (Who Is Ready 

To Do Fewer Things, Better) All You Need Is This:

  • It's time to get interesting and engaging content to your Instagram DAILY

  • It's time to stop wondering why others get so much followers, clients and sales

  • It's time to stop making MISTAKES with Instagram Algorithm

  • It's time to grow your audience with 5-10x bigger reach and visibility

  • It's time to engage your followers and turn them to loyal fans

  • It's time to SELL more

Today Just $27 (Normally $189) - Get your Social Media Calendar before the offer runs over! 


100 million posts are posted on Instagram daily...

...are you ready to get your voice through?

"For the first time, I have an entire month's worth of posts scheduled out! I am already seeing results with new followers and better engagement after 2 weeks with your plan. I haven't missed any of the posts!! Thanks."

- Camille, Sales Consultant

Extremely helpful and handy for small business owners. Every entrepreneur knows that social media is super important, but nobody has enough time for it. Thanks for making my life easier!

- Oliver, Organic Coffee Roastery 

  • Unlock Our Secret Method For Results You Want

Do like Our 10,000 Customers And Start Using Our Method To Beat The Algorithm..

  • The Calendar helps you to post every day which boosts your visibility exponentially

  • Tested and selected posts encourage your followers to engage with your posts, which promotes your profile ranking like crazy

  • Ready-made ideas and templates are categorized for different purposes (reach / engagement / sales)

.. And Get The Results You Dream Of!

  • Grow you audience and turn them to leads

  • Build a powerful brand for you or your company

  • Sell more products and services 

Implement this method today, and you will get immediately more...
  • New followers, direct messages, offer requests and sales... 

In A Nutshell You Will Get All These:

+600 Ideas To Your Instagram Feed

Imagine having 600 ideas ready to Instagram for the next 12 months? We have prepared for you a Calendar with a carefully selected prompt-idea for each day. 

So the next year ahead is planned and organized! Best of all, the plan follows our secret method of increasing reach, engagement, followers, leads, and sales.

+250 Ready-Made Posts 

Start posting outstanding posts immediately after you have purchased Instagram Calendar. 

You will receive 100 Quote-Cards, 50 Questions, 50 "Would You Rather?" templates and one complete week challenge (52 posts)! Best of all, you can customize all of them with one click!

From Influencers To Influencers... From Entrepreneurs To Entrepreneurs

Instagram Calendar is is created and updated daily by a group of influencers and entrepreneurs.

Meet Jerry - Digital marketer behind the team and calendar

I am a digital marketer, coach, and entrepreneur who wants to help influencers and entrepreneurs succeed with content marketing and social media.  

In my teaching, we focus on the essentials and do things smartly. And, of course, get multiple returns on your investment.

We did this for ourselves. And I'm sure that it will be useful to you.

- Jerry Hietaniemi, Founder of Social Media Calendar

Implement These Ideas And Ready-Made Posts To Boost Your Results:


Imagine you open Instagram in the morning, and you have 20 new followers again. And future customers.


Did you know that the Instagram algorithm loves it when other people @tag you to their posts and share your posts? Better to get used to that.



A large, engaged audience is everyone's top goal on Instagram. And the most important asset of every entrepreneur.


You grow your audience every day. An audience ready to buy your products or services.

"Perfect for you who want to sell more in social media"

Since I purchased Instagram Calendar, I have generated over $10 000 of sales in social media, and I am thrilled with the results! I spend one day in a month to schedule all posts for the entire month. 

I love this confident feeling that I can and will succeed at last. Thanks for all this help!

- Jeanna, Influencer and entrepreneur

Who Is this For?

Instagram Calendar™ Is Perfect For Everyone Who Wants Results On Instagram

It's for the busy influencers and entrepreneurs who want to leverage the power of Instagram and social media without the endless feeling of "What do I share today?". 

This is for anyone who wants to avoid frustration, stress, and a waste of time. Instagram Calendar is perfect for influencers (e.g., Fashion, Fitness, Lifestyle, etc.) and entrepreneurs for whom the powerful personal brand is necessary. 

Our customers are e.g., coaches, consultants, freelancers, agencies, personal brands, Instagram influencers and even businesses.

To Make Your Dreams Come True, You Need These:

Inside Instagram Calendar™ You Will Find These Post-Ideas:

Over +600 post-ideas are categorized into FIVE different groups. Each group has an essential purpose for your success. 

You will need posts for reach and visibility to attract new audiences. You will need posts to encourage your followers to react and engage. You will need posts that build your brand. And you will need posts to sell your products and services.

150 Post-Ideas To Boost Your Organic Reach 

We've selected tested and proven post-ideas to increase your visibility on social media. Here you will find e.g. viral quotes, posts about gratitude, and the most important holidays.

200 Post-ideas for higher engagement (This is the most important part!) 

We promote reactions and engagement by connecting with followers and other profiles. 

If you want the algorithm to work, find companies to partner with or turn your audience into customers, your followers need to be engaged. It's always better to have a small but engaged following. 

200 Post-ideas for building (personal) brand (don't ever miss these)

People want to hear the story of you or your business. So let's tell it. 

Personal posts are the best way to build a brand and business on social media. 

50 Best ideas for getting more customers and sales in social media

As the engaged audience grows every day, you have an excellent chance to get more loyal customers. You will sell more on social media than ever before. 

Are you prepared to respond to your customers through DM?

Inside Instagram Calendar™ You Will Find

These 250 Ready-Made Templates:

100 Tested and proven viral quotes ready for sharing (value $97)

Quotes are the most shared content on Instagram. We've created 100 beautiful viral quotes for you.These will help ensure that your content is widely shared on Instagram and that you will get more followers all the time. 

Best of all, you can edit them with a single click.

50 Ready-Made Questions To Boost Reactions And Engagement (value $97)

Asking questions is one of the best ways to start a conversation with your followers and increase engagement. 

We carefully selected 50 most popular questions and created beautiful templates for you. Good looking posts are often shared by your followers, giving you much more organic visibility.

50 Funny "Would You Rather" ready to go viral (value $97)

We have found that one of the best secret tricks to get reactions is to put two everyday things side by side and ask people which is more important. Nobody wants to skip these posts without leaving an opinion. 

The red color is here to break the pattern of scrolling, but you can change it to whatever color you want.

50 Week challenges for user-generated-content (killer in year 2020!)

What is the hottest thing in social media? User-generated-content for sure. Our super famous challenge includes one challenge for every week for the next year ahead. 

For each challenge, followers are asked to post some image related to the challenge and @tag you to post. You can then repost these in your own Stories. Everyone loves this.

(+ $500 Worth of Content Now For $27)

You Can Edit All These With One Click!

Do you know why our customers love us? Because you get all these ready-made templates to your Canva, the world's easiest free image editing software. You can open images on your computer or mobile phone and customize the template with a couple of clicks. For example, you can add text or a logo and change colors. It's up to you.

"Why didn't I find this before?"

The endless question in front of the blank screen "What I'm Posting Today" is finally over. I bought the Calendar to get more sales, but the MOST significant benefit has been that I stress a lot LESS about Instagram, and I have more time for other important tasks! 

And of course, I have more customers and sales too. Super.

- Abigail, Designer

Do you know what is fun and exciting? Before the Calendar, I didn't know anything about social media, and I had zero following, but today I teach social media to other companies! The Calendar opened up a whole new business for me.

- Birgit, Journalist

First, nothing happened, and I thought this was useless, but after 4 weeks, I saw a significant change with reach and reactions. Next came followers. I went from 250 followers to over 3000 followers in three months! Since getting Instagram Calendar, I realized I have been making STUPID MISTAKES that blocks reach and visibility. 

- Mark, Artist

Take The Deal Of The Day Now - It's Soon Over!

Instagram Calendar is today available for just $27 and the price will go up soon. 

You don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to implement our method, ideas, and ready-made templates – and see actual *sales* come from your efforts.

Some Facts Why So Many 

Fail With Instagram:

  • Instead of posting daily, they post infrequently what happens to come into their minds

  • Random posts and boring content don't grow a profile or business. The planned system with great content does. 

  • They don't know what kind of posts boost visibility and what promotes reactions and engagement. 

  • Success with Instagram requires creativity, time, and hard work. Many get frustrated and give up.

There Is A Clear Pattern Behind The Success

  • That's why we made the Instagram Calendar for you to stop making mistakes and start doing the right things right today. 

    In the future, you can follow a method that will guarantee you get visibility, followers, and sales. You have a strategy that is in line with your goals. 

+ Free #Hashtag Quick-Guide

  • How #hashtags works: why, how, and when you should use #hashtags and what mistakes to avoid! 

  • What #hashtags to use: what (and how many) hashtags are perfect your profile and niche?

Buy Today And You Get Also These for FREE:

  • Over 100 Highlight Covers for Instagram profile and stories

  • Ensure that your feed and profile look fancy and professional

  • Build networks everyday with other influencers

  • Sharing is caring: we help each other to grow and get results!

Do You Want All This 

Now Only For $27

More Questions? Here Are Answers:

How much time is required to use Instagram Calendar?

We've created the Instagram Calendar to give you two benefits: get +250 fully-finished social media templates that you can schedule right away (like with Plus, you get +600 Prompt-Ideas for every day. When you have a ready-made idea, you need only 5 minutes to make a post every day.

How fast can I expect to see results on my business?

You will see the results immediately. What kind and how much depends on what your starting situation is. Beginners will get results in a couple of weeks. If you are already a big star, the results will be lower, but your workload will be greatly reduced.

When do I get access to the prompts and templates?

You will get instant access to all the material. Once you finish the checkout process you will get an email with all the instructions.

How long I have access to material?

You will have access to material rest of your life.

What will I get when I buy Instagram Calendar?

You will get Google Sheets file with 600 prompt-ideas for the next 12 months AND 250 ready-made templates to your Instagram feed. You will have Canva-links for all the templates so you can edit them easily. All the prompt-ideas are already in a calendar and divided to different categories.

What if I am not happy with the product?

No problem, we understand. You have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. Just send us an email, and we will refund your payment.